Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Plato’s theory is optimistic idea.  He tried to develop the reader’s character to his idea of good.  He used dialogue between two people to communicate to the reader.   Moreover, In The Allegory of the cave, the audients who were in the cave were tough and told about the story of goodness the same thing by the shadow.  It seems like the reader is a part of the group, but just sits and listens.  It is a good idea to teach the reader thru the reading because the middle class and servant can learn the way of life.  However, Plato should include some negative parts in the reading because the reader can think over between bad and good.  The audients never go outside of the cave or read out of the book, so they do not have the new idea of life and the true story of the world.
Gorgias’s the power of speech
The Greek poetry in particular influenced recent attitude.  Classical antiquity is perhaps the most important sauce of the western tradition.  Greek poetry transmitted society’s value on major functions of giving pleasure, preserving memory of great deeds, and providing source of ethical wisdom.  Speechmaker can drag in all sort of irrelevant matters to persuade the audient.  The speech is powerful.  For example, Gorgias’ Encomium of Helen, Helen has to leave her husband because she loses to the speech.

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